Mac Address Changer 5.0

Change your Mac Address in seconds! Scan Mac Address within any range of IP address. Exports the scanning results from a Mac Address Lookup list. Change the Mac Address of your network card to any new Mac Address.


. scans any range of IP for the proper Mac Address.
· it's shockingly easy to use, just a simple input and click, that's it!
· supports exporting scanning results to txt file.
· runs on all Windows operating systems (i.e., 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP/Vista).
· supports changing Mac Address of any networks cards under Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista
· checks your Mac Address inputting.
· recommends the proper Ethernet network card.
· displays the information of your computer. (i.e. your computer name, Mac Addresses and IP etc.)

to work perfect in Windows Vista run it as administrator

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